17 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Social Networks users: Be aware !

When talking about Internet, firstly social media spring to our minds. Platforms which consist of highest number of visitors, have preferability  in favour of their wide service capacity.

Facebook and Twitter that are leading this sector take attentions by gathering services under a single roof, setting agenda and providing a circle of friends. However, the biggest problem of social networks is security of information.

While difficulties in privacy is annoying members, additional applications which are developed for  social networks  are used for theft of information. Finally, as you remember virus of “ Past Life Analyzer”  was reaching your bank account and transferring your money by information you have entered.

In addition, People who share changes such as mobile phone, home address, health problems or tattoos, unwittingly strengthen bad intentioned people’s hands. A film which is maden by  Duval Guillaume, emphasize the seriousness of the situation and bring different perspective to the issue of information security.

This might be the best to tell how important the security of personal informations.Please watch this film right below :)